Bowers Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Bowers Genealogy & History
Bowers is an ancient Scottish name of uncertain origin. It is likely derived from Old English "bowyer",meaning bow-maker, but it might be locational, referring to towns in Essex and Somerset, or locational/occupational and derived from Old English "bur", meaning cottage. Variations Bouer and Labur are found in 12th-century Bower family history in Herefordshire and Surrey in England, while in Wales the history dates back to a family seat (feudal home) in Peeblesshire. American Bowers genealogy begins with emigrants to Virginia in 1637. The family motto, "ad metam", means "to the mark". The coat of arms is a green shield with two bows between three sheaves of arrows.
Bowers Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Baxter Bowers | -- --, 1926 | March 14,2007 | NC |
B Franklin Bowers | -- --, 1917 | November ,1980 | NJ |
C Elizabet Bowers | -- --, 1918 | October 27,2009 | OH |
Dagny Bowers | -- --, 1910 | February 6,2007 | MT |
Bowers Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Eloise Bowers | -- --, 1919 | August 24,2001 | Binghamton,NY |
F Lloyd Bowers | -- --, 1912 | December ,1983 | Lancaster,SC |
G Donald Bowers | -- --, 1925 | March 20,1988 | Ellerslie,GA |
Harold Bowers | -- --, 1928 | January 3,1990 | Springfield,OH |
Bowers Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Arthur Bowers | Christine Ryals | January 13,1938 | Wake, NC |
Crowell Bowers | Jane Pickard | March 10,1979 | Wake, NC |
Frank Bowers | Fonda Mynhier | January 23,1961 | Wake, NC |
Grayson Bowers | Constance Winebrenner | June 29,1967 | Wake, NC |
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