Boyle Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Boyle Genealogy & History
Boyle is an ancient patronymic Irish name, derived from early Gaelic "Baoighill" meaning rash one. Spelling variations include Baoghal, Baole, Boghill, Boyall, and O'Boyle. First found in Donegal, the O'Boyles were descended from Irish King Maoldun Baoghal (circa 900s), with Richard Boyle (1566-1643) the first Earl of Cork and Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Boyle genealogy also has a Scottish branch descended from the de Boyvilles, Anglo-Norman knights; Patrick Boyle, 10th Earl of Glasgow, still resides at Kelburn Castle in Ayrshire. In American Boyle family history, the first emigrant arrived in Virginia in 1622. The Boyle motto, "Dominus providebit", means "the Lord will provide".
Boyle Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Muriel Boyle | -- --, 1916 | March ,1985 | PA |
B Irvn Boyle | -- --, 1912 | November 3,2008 | NC |
Cadence Boyle | -- --, 1941 | March 3,2010 | OR |
D Rajeania Boyle | -- --, 1931 | September ,1987 | TX |
Boyle Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Dorothy Boyle | -- --, 1924 | March 29,2010 | Modesto,CA |
Faith Boyle | -- --, 1926 | November ,1987 | Tresckow,PA |
G Marion Boyle | -- --, 1922 | December ,1984 | Yale,OK |
H Nadine Boyle | -- --, 1917 | August ,1984 | Belle Plaine,KS |
Boyle Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Charles Boyle | Kikiyo Barden | December 27,1950 | Wake, NC |
Gregory Boyle | Elayne Wertz | May 29,1969 | Wake, NC |
John Boyle | Abbie Currie | September 6,1945 | Wake, NC |
Terrence Boyle | Debra Ellis | May 6,1972 | Wake, NC |
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