Brubaker Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Brubaker Genealogy & History

Brubaker stems from the area called Brubaker, by the Rhine River in Germany, and thus is a topographical name for someone who lived by a river or stream. Their coat of arms is a silver horizontal band in the middle over ten interwoven silver bands on a red field. Brubaker family history mentions Wil Henrich Brubaker in 1754 as the first known member of the family to migrate to America; he settled in Pennsylvania. Some members of the Brubaker genealogy are actress Christine Brubaker and pairs skater and silver medalist Rockne Lee Brubaker II.

Brubaker Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Brubaker-- --, 1890June ,1967OH
Balbina Brubaker-- --, 1918December 8,2005PA
C Daniel Brubaker-- --, 1926March 15,2001PA
Daisy Brubaker-- --, 1891October ,1978PA

Brubaker Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Lee Brubaker-- --, 1918September 23,2003Altadena,CA
Fannie Brubaker-- --, 1877April ,1970Lititz,PA
G Duane Brubaker-- --, 1929April 25,2005Charlotte,MI
H Allen Brubaker-- --, 1916April 28,2005Peoria,IL

Brubaker Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Arnold BrubakerLoretta StevensFebruary 12,1983Wake, NC
Douglas BrubakerShari BrownMay 5,2000Harris, TX
Merrill BrubakerGertrude KnoseMarch 7,1981Wake, NC
Steven BrubakerLorie SearsFebruary 25,1989Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Brubaker

2391st: Quintana2392nd: Lyman
2393rd: Bach2394th: Dozier
2395th: Jarrell2396th: McCurdy
2397th: Messina2398th: Ferraro
2399th: Lusk2400th: Peoples

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