Burroughs Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Burroughs Genealogy & History

Burroughs is an ancient English name originally bestowed on someone who lived near a hill. Derived from Old English beorg, meaning hill, there were many villages so named throughout England in the Middle Ages, and spelling variations include Borrows, Burghs, and Burrows. Burroughs family history dates to the 13th century in Hampshire, with descent from Hubert de Burgh the Lord of the Manor of Tichfield. American Burroughs genealogy dates to 1617 in Virginia and includes calculator inventor William Burroughs. The Burroughs motto, animo et fide, translates to by courage and faith; the wreaths on the coat of arms are a symbol of victory and immortality.

Burroughs Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Burroughs-- --, 1911November ,1985GA
Baldwin Burroughs-- --, 1915December ,1983CT
C H Burroughs-- --, 1914November ,1984TX
Da Burroughs-- --, 1907August ,1977MT

Burroughs Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Gene Burroughs-- --, 1926November 9,2005Chicago,IL
Fannie Burroughs-- --, 1918January 2,2007Brooklyn,NY
G Eleanor Burroughs-- --, 1917April 21,2009Sedona,AZ
H Glenn Burroughs-- --, 1927November ,1995Susan,VA

Burroughs Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Albert BurroughsLeslie CarterMarch 18,2000Wake, NC
Charles BurroughsCheryl JamesJune 22,1991Wake, NC
David BurroughsLisa PenaFebruary 25,2000Bexar, TX
Frederick BurroughsGeraldine HarrisJune 15,1957Wake, NC

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