Caron Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Caron Genealogy & History

Caron is a French name with several possible origins. First, it was the name of a fifth-century saint who was killed by robbers; as a result of his subsequent fame, the personal name became quite popular in the Middle Ages and eventually developed into a surname. The name itself was derived from the Celtic/Breton word car, meaning love. Alternately, it could be derived from the town named Cairon in France. Caron family history is hard to pinpoint but is first recorded with Etienne Charon who married in Paris in 1575. Caron genealogy includes the actress Leslie Caron.

Caron Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ada Caron-- --, 1919October 7,2003NH
Barbara Caron-- --, 1943April 11,2005VT
Camille Caron-- --, 1928February 9,2007ME
Daisy Caron-- --, 1885April ,1974MA

Caron Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Harriet Caron-- --, 1926April 25,2006Portland,ME
Faith Caron-- --, 1957June 9,2001Spokane,WA
Gabriel Caron-- --, 1932June 21,2010Portsmouth,RI
Hamp Caron-- --, 1919October 12,1988Davis,OK

Caron Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Jason CaronMelanie ThorntonAugust 28,2004Wake, NC
Norman CaronLeta NicholasJuly 28,1984Ector, TX
Roger CaronNora LittleDecember 21,1968Mc Lennan, TX
Steven CaronKelly BlackfordSeptember 15,2001Dallas, TX

Most Common Surnames After Caron

2108th: Duggan2109th: Kenyon
2110th: Marcum2111th: Strange
2112th: Rhoads2113th: Tang
2114th: Carnes2115th: Yee
2116th: Linder2117th: Snodgrass

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