Carrillo Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Carrillo Genealogy & History

Carrillo is a Spanish and Portuguese surname, from the northwestern Christian kingdom of Galicia. Oddly, though the diminutive carillo means a broken or deformed jaw, its root word carro refers to a cart or wagon, and no reasonable connection has yet been found. Carillo family history enters the books with Juan Martin Carillo, christened at Cadiz in 1548. Carillo genealogy lays claim to several influential people, among whom are Texas Railroad Commission chairman Victor Carillo; early 19th-century Los Angeles Mayor Jose Carillo; 14th-century Spanish cardinal Gil �lvarez Carrillo de Albornoz; actor, vaudevillian, and political cartoonist Leo Carrillo; and prominent neuroscientist and neurobiologist Ramon Carillo.

Carrillo Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abdulia Carrillo-- --, 1962July 15,2005MO
Baldomero Carrillo-- --, 1951August 28,2008TX
Calistro Carrillo-- --, 1917February 20,2006TX
Dale Carrillo-- --, 1959April ,1981CA

Carrillo Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Carrillo-- --, 1903September 28,2005Sebastopol,CA
Fabian Carrillo-- --, 1905December ,1972Sacramento,CA
Gabina Carrillo-- --, 1904February 19,1994Rochester,NY
Halcyon Carrillo-- --, 1913July 21,2000Phoenix,AZ

Carrillo Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Armando CarrilloCecilia BucioApril 24,1998Wake, NC
Francisco CarrilloJessica GuzmanMay 30,2008Wake, NC
Raoul CarrilloBonnie JohnsonMay 10,1980Wake, NC
Martin CarrilloDorthey TaylorNovember 15,1980Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Carrillo

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1463rd: Tripp1464th: Lau
1465th: Herndon1466th: Ash

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