Chamberlain Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Chamberlain Genealogy & History

Chamberlain genealogy comes from England and, like so many other English names, first appeared in the country after the eleventh-century Norman conquest. The name is from the Old French chambrelain or the Anglo-Norman French chamberlanc. It is an occupational surname referring to someone who tended to the chambers (inner rooms) of a noble master and who therefore had great responsibility and had to be trustworthy. The job title later became a high-ranking title of its own. Chamberlain family history includes Neville Chamberlain, prime minister of Great Britain from 1937 until 1940, and actor Richard Chamberlain.

Chamberlain Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Jackson Chamberlain-- --, 1918August 5,2009NY
B Fern Chamberlain-- --, 1922April 2,1993NY
C Charles Chamberlain-- --, 1932August 12,2002NJ
D Kathleen Chamberlain-- --, 1923June 18,2004WI

Chamberlain Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Curtis Chamberlain-- --, 1921April 15,2009Harrison,ID
F Mildred Chamberlain-- --, 1919September 30,1994Clearville,PA
Gail Chamberlain-- --, 1916July 24,2003Kapaa,HI
H Clayton Chamberlain-- --, 1915January 31,2008Bridgeport,CT

Chamberlain Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Charles ChamberlainPatricia LindquistMay 12,1945Wake, NC
Frank ChamberlainPatricia RandMay 6,1978Wake, NC
James ChamberlainMarcellite CoatesOctober 1,1942Wake, NC
Lavonzo ChamberlainLinda WoodsAugust 19,1969Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Chamberlain

952nd: Elder953rd: McNamara
954th: Hewitt955th: Sorensen
956th: Connor957th: Finch
958th: Meier959th: Bright
960th: Li961st: Ortega

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