Chang Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Chang Genealogy & History
Chang, which is also sometimes transliterated as Zhang, is one of the most common names in the Chinese-speaking world. In fact, it was listed in the 1990 Guiness Book of World Records as the most common surname in the world. The word has multiple possible meanings, including longbow, constant, mountain, and open. Chang family history and Chang genealogy may go back millennia, though the origins are legendary. The story involves the fifth son of the Emperor Huang Di, who was inspired by the Chinese Arc constellation and invented the bow, becoming the first Zhang, or "master of bows." Cho Chang is a character in the Harry Potter series.
Chang Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Aaron Chang | -- --, 1923 | March ,1981 | NM |
Bacon Chang | -- --, 1916 | April 18,2007 | CA |
C C Fong Chang | -- --, 1906 | February 20,1999 | DC |
Da Chang | -- --, 1916 | June 3,1998 | TX |
Chang Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Echin Chang | -- --, 1912 | September 13,2005 | Silver Spring,MD |
Fa Chang | -- --, 1908 | January ,1987 | North Palm Springs,CA |
Gabriel Chang | -- --, 1910 | February 13,2000 | Mercer Island,WA |
Ha Jung Chang | -- --, 1911 | December 9,1992 | San Francisco,CA |
Chang Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Chung Chang | Joung Lee | August 18,1998 | Wake, NC |
Hsi Chang | Shou Liao | March 20,1971 | Wake, NC |
Kou-Roung Chang | Shou Tsao | September 8,1973 | Wake, NC |
Tien Chang | Mary Chang | October 15,1977 | Wake, NC |
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