Christianson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Christianson Genealogy & History

Christianson family history shows this surname appeared in Denmark and is also found in Germany, Norway, and Sweden. It is a patronymic given to a male descendent of a person who followed the Christian religion or whose first name was Christian. The German and Norwegian version of the family crest shows a red crescent over a horizontal blue band on yellow field, while the Swedish version shows a red chevron pointing upwards on a yellow field. Alternative spellings of this name listed in Christianson genealogy include Christensen, Christianson, and Christenson.

Christianson Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Bert Christianson-- --, 1913June 10,2004UT
Barbara Christianson-- --, 1941April 29,2004NY
C Mackay Christianson-- --, 1921December 4,2003MN
Dagmar Christianson-- --, 1893September ,1973ND

Christianson Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Christianson-- --, 1899May 2,1988Annville,PA
Fannie Christianson-- --, 1902December 13,1993Saint Paul,MN
Gale Christianson-- --, 1942March 28,2010Hiawassee,GA
Halfdan Christianson-- --, 1901October ,1976Minneapolis,MN

Christianson Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bradley ChristiansonShanna JenkinsJune 24,2000Bexar, TX
Eric ChristiansonLeona MccallisterNovember 11,2001Bexar, TX
Terry ChristiansonAutumn MatthewsOctober 27,2000Wichita, TX
James ChristiansonErin PayneNovember 22,2003Potter, TX

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