Clement Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Clement Genealogy & History

Clement is an English, French, German, and Italian name. It was originally derived from the Latin word Clemens, which means merciful. There was a disciple of St. Paul (later a saint himself) named Clemens, and many early popes took on the name as well; thus, Clement was most likely taken from its given name form. Clement family history is first recorded with one William Clement, known as the church builder, who lived in Oxfordshire in 1150. Early Clements were also found in Poitou (France), Saxony (Germany), and Rimini (Italy). Clement genealogy includes Jacques Clement, who assassinated King Henry III of France in 1589.

Clement Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Russell Clement-- --, 1916August 22,1994CA
B Charles Clement-- --, 1918April 8,1990HI
C Archie Clement-- --, 1927June 11,1989FL
Daisy Clement-- --, 1918December 27,2007AL

Clement Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Elsie Clement-- --, 1926January 2,2004Corona,NY
Fabian Clement-- --, 1914July ,1972North Tonawanda,NY
Gail Clement-- --, 1924April 13,2007San Diego,CA
H Ada Clement-- --, 1920September ,1984Hampton,VA

Clement Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Andrew ClementBobbie HambyJanuary 22,1983Wake, NC
Benjamin ClementKelly WebbMay 24,1997Wake, NC
Clayton ClementWendy RackleyApril 2,2005Wake, NC
David ClementMary MasonAugust 24,1991Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Clement

1174th: McCauley1175th: Sprague
1176th: Grossman1177th: Winkler
1178th: Yeager1179th: Montoya
1180th: Huang1181st: Plummer
1182nd: Healy1183rd: Broussard

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