Clinton Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Clinton Genealogy & History

The surname Villanueva is of Spanish origin. It was originally found in Catalonia, an area in northeast Spain. The name is most likely a locational name derived from the Spanish villa, meaning town, and nueva, meaning new. Villanueva family history shows that one of the earliest immigrants to America by this name was Hernando De Villanueva, who arrived in 1511. Variations of this surname include Vilanova, Villanova, and Vilinueva. Prominent family members in Villanueva genealogy include professor Dr. Francisco Marquez Villanueva, Filipino Olympic boxing medalist Jose Villanueva, and Peruvian politician Armando Villanueva.

Clinton Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A James Clinton-- --, 1917July ,1998NY
B Bonney Clinton-- --, 1917April 5,2000MA
Callie Clinton-- --, 1893January ,1980CA
Dagmar Clinton-- --, 1910November 22,1998IL

Clinton Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Wayne Clinton-- --, 1923December 29,1987Salem,MO
Fairy Clinton-- --, 1940November 25,2003Hugo,OK
G Robert Clinton-- --, 1921January ,1988Greene,NY
H Roger Clinton-- --, 1930August 2,1997Lititz,PA

Clinton Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Broch ClintonDaveena AlfordJune 20,2008Wake, NC
Charles ClintonLouise MooreFebruary 9,1946Wake, NC
Dale ClintonLaurabeth BushNovember 10,2001Fort Bend, TX
Eddie ClintonPatricia SpanjersMay 22,1982Wake, NC

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