Coates Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Coates Genealogy & History

Coates may be locational or topographical in nature. Those who argue for the locational origin link the surname to the towns of Coates in Cambridgeshire and Cotes in Leicestershire. Others speculate that Coates family history originates in the seventh-century Old English cot or cote, meaning a humble cottage. This surname was frequently used in England during the medieval period and later was used as a descriptive word for shepherds, probably because they would be unlikely to own more than such a dwelling. Coates genealogy includes New Zealand Prime Minister Gordon Coates, composer and conductor Albert Coates, baseball pitcher Jim Coates, and operatic tenor John Coates.

Coates Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Coates-- --, 1929April 25,1992PA
B Austin Coates-- --, 1913June 9,1992MA
C William Coates-- --, 1920February 26,1989CT
D Frank Coates-- --, 1932November 25,2002NY

Coates Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E David Coates-- --, 1926June 19,2003Sun City,CA
Fadra Coates-- --, 1895March ,1986Greenville,IL
G Harvey Coates-- --, 1922January 20,2000Lancaster,SC
H Stanley Coates-- --, 1926January 9,1995Warsaw,VA

Coates Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Barney CoatesAshley GreenNovember 17,1990Wake, NC
Charles CoatesSheila McdonaldNovember 4,1977Wake, NC
Donald CoatesSarah RossSeptember 5,1953Wake, NC
Freddy CoatesSherri ThompsonApril 16,2001Wichita, TX

Most Common Surnames After Coates

1326th: Cronin1327th: Blum
1328th: Vinson1329th: Campos
1330th: Forrest1331st: Esposito
1332nd: Wilhelm1333rd: Crews
1334th: Salinas1335th: Dugan

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