Cohen Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Cohen Genealogy & History

Cohen genealogy can be either Irish or Jewish, the latter being far more common. If Irish, it is an anglicization of two Gaelic surnames, O'Cadhain and O'Comhdan. When Cohen family history is Jewish, the name comes from the Hebrew word for "priest" (kohen) and is a patronymic carried mostly by patrilineal descendants of the priestly family of Aaron, the brother of Moses. Because this surname originates in Biblical times, probably no later than the thirteenth century BCE (or BC), it may predate all other surnames. In Russia, some men changed their surnames to Cohen to avoid conscription, as priests were the only people who were exempt.

Cohen Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ashley Cohen-- --, 1990November 30,2007NY
Babette Cohen-- --, 1911April 7,1999OH
C Ella Cohen-- --, 1898February 1,1988NJ
D Rick Cohen-- --, 1949January 7,1994KS

Cohen Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Cohen-- --, 1912October ,1979Stoughton,MA
Fae Cohen-- --, 1903October 31,1997Plainview,NY
Gabe Cohen-- --, 1906November ,1981Indianapolis,IN
Habib Cohen-- --, 1922January 7,1999Chicago,IL

Cohen Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Donald CohenMaryann TomeiFebruary 14,1993Wake, NC
Michael CohenLillian RodriguezMarch 26,1970Wake, NC
William CohenLee LimMay 24,2008Wake, NC
Yoseph CohenNetta HopkinsNovember 13,2007Wake, NC

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