Conrad Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Conrad Genealogy & History
Conrad is a famous German surname and personal name that predates the 7th century. Conrad genealogy has resulted in over one hundred variant spellings recorded throughout Europe and Scandinavia. It originates from the ancient compound given name "Kuoni-rad", which loosely translates as "brave counsel". The first recording of it as a surname is that of Conrad Conradi in the 1297 charters of the German town of Elsabe. Conrad family history records Conrads first coming to America in the 18th century. Notable Conrads include the screenwriter, director, and producer Steven Conrad; the record-setting American aviator Max Conrad; and the novelist and short story writer Joseph Conrad.
Conrad Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Blair Conrad | -- --, 1915 | April 5,1988 | PA |
Baber Conrad | -- --, 1898 | August ,1974 | MS |
C Perry Conrad | -- --, 1921 | November ,1986 | VT |
Dagmar Conrad | -- --, 1898 | September ,1985 | WI |
Conrad Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Blanche Conrad | -- --, 1912 | June 25,1995 | Salem,OR |
Faith Conrad | -- --, 1931 | April 29,2006 | Peabody,MA |
G Harold Conrad | -- --, 1917 | February 13,1989 | Shallotte,NC |
H Bates Conrad | -- --, 1912 | May 8,1998 | La Quinta,CA |
Conrad Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Arnold Conrad | Julie Dunning | August 14,1982 | Wake, NC |
Charles Conrad | Elizabeth Powell | June 10,1967 | Wake, NC |
Edward Conrad | Georgia Feilke | October 30,1969 | Wake, NC |
Stephen Conrad | Brenda Marshbourne | April 16,1983 | Wake, NC |
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