Cooke Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Cooke Genealogy & History

Cooke is a common variant on one of the most common English surnames, "Cook", and is usually considered Scottish in origin. The first record of the name is for a Jocelin Cocus in Edinburgh in 1178. Cooke family history records Georg Cooke as an early settler in America, arriving in Virgina in 1617. Cooke genealogy includes Sir Thomas Cooke, sheriff of London in 1453 and Lord Mayor of London in 1462; Sir George Cooke, who commanded the first division of guards at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815; and American gospel, R&B, soul, and pop singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur Sam Cooke.

Cooke Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Lincoln Cooke-- --, 1917March 21,1995NY
Babe Cooke-- --, 1892November ,1980CO
C Eloise Cooke-- --, 1919September 17,2002NC
Daisy Cooke-- --, 1887October ,1977VA

Cooke Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Alvin Cooke-- --, 1912October ,1986Fountain Valley,CA
Faith Cooke-- --, 1910August 18,2001Vancouver,WA
G Donald Cooke-- --, 1926December 22,2004Opp,AL
H Austin Cooke-- --, 1920November 4,1996Camarillo,CA

Cooke Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Allen CookeDaphine RouseFebruary 22,1936Wake, NC
Benjamin CookeEvelyn WinstonDecember 26,1947Wake, NC
Charles CookeAnnie GriffinNovember 23,1938Wake, NC
Dempsey CookeEmma BarnettNovember 5,1932Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Cooke

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840th: Riggs841st: Walls
842nd: Blevins843rd: Delgado
844th: Downs845th: Hendrix
846th: Dudley847th: Fink

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