Coyle Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Coyle Genealogy & History

Coyle is an Irish name with many possible origins. Most likely it was derived from the Gaelic Mac Giolla Chomhgaill, which was given to devotees of St. Comgall. Alternately, it could have derived from the personal name Nicholas, which itself came from the Greek Nikolaos, from nikan, meaning conquer. Finally, it may have originated in the Old English word col, meaning coal or charcoal. In any event, written Coyle family history begins with Geoffrey Col (an alternate spelling), who lived in Hampshire in 1148. Coyle genealogy includes Joey Coyle, whose story of finding over a million dollars by accident was made into a movie.

Coyle Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abbie Coyle-- --, 1894April ,1969IA
B Oleta Coyle-- --, 1905November ,1990PA
Caleb Coyle-- --, 1895January ,1986OH
D Lorrayne Coyle-- --, 1917October 7,1999PA

Coyle Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Josephin Coyle-- --, 1913April 2,2001Kansas City,KS
F Anne Coyle-- --, 1921January ,1985Worcester,MA
G Frank Coyle-- --, 1914January ,1986Littleton,CO
H James Coyle-- --, 1929August 24,2003Buffalo,NY

Coyle Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Francis CoyleJohnnie ParkerJune 25,2004Wake, NC
Michael CoyleJean DunnMarch 16,1959Wake, NC
John CoyleLinda MartinMarch 29,1980Wake, NC
Thomas CoyleDeborah WaldonOctober 22,1988Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Coyle

1398th: Vickers1399th: Bergeron
1400th: Houser1401st: Crowder
1402nd: Crockett1403rd: Coulter
1404th: Cartwright1405th: Tobin
1406th: Hagan1407th: Dietz

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