Crook Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Crook Genealogy & History

Crook is an English occupational surname from the Middle English crok and Old Norse krokr, meaning hook and referring to one who made, sold, or used hooks. In addition to that metonymy, the Old Norse krokr might also have been used as a nickname for someone with a particularly curved spine or hunched back. Crook family history starts in 1086, when Rainald Croc was enrolled in the Domesday Book of Hampshire. Crook genealogy includes Ontario Treasurer Adam Crooks and Union General George Crook.

Crook Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aarnie Crook-- --, 1909February 19,1999NY
Barbara Crook-- --, 1916March ,1983NJ
Callie Crook-- --, 1904January 20,2001TX
D Glenn Crook-- --, 1954March 14,1995TX

Crook Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Crook-- --, 1901October ,1973Harrisburg,PA
Fannie Crook-- --, 1909October 14,1999Columbus,GA
G Barney Crook-- --, 1917May ,1985Blytheville,AR
H Keith Crook-- --, 1913July 23,2010Fremont,NE

Crook Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Anthony CrookEarlene VallotMarch 25,1969Jefferson, TX
Benjamin CrookElizabeth DanielOctober 2,2004Wake, NC
Christopher CrookMolly MilliganOctober 14,2000Dallas, TX
Daniel CrookAmy SnipesMay 31,1998Wake, NC

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