Dean Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Dean Genealogy & History

The surname Dean has several possible meanings. Dean family history shows it may be derived from the Old English "denu" and Middle English "dene", meaning a valley, indicating a person who lived in a low place. It may also have been used to refer to a church official or someone who worked for or looked like one, from the Middle English "deen" and Old French "d(e)ien", via the Latin "decanus", a leader of ten men. Dean genealogy includes legendary baseball player Jay Hanna "Dizzy" Dean; 2004 Presidential candidate Howard Dean; 1950s actor and youth icon James Dean; and country singer, actor, and sausage king Jimmy Dean.

Dean Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A B Dean-- --, 1896February ,1968TX
B Eileen Dean-- --, 1928March 11,2006OH
C Shirley Dean-- --, 1923May 17,2006MI
D Alan Dean-- --, 1925February 12,2010FL

Dean Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Douglas Dean-- --, 1916August 15,2001Newtown,PA
F Lamar Dean-- --, 1935August 25,1992Palmetto,FL
G Donald Dean-- --, 1924December 10,2002Bushnell,IL
H Jane Dean-- --, 1940May ,1990Lewistown,PA

Dean Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Amos DeanLodema MorrisMay 6,1939Wake, NC
Bailey DeanThelma FlowersSeptember 12,1933Wake, NC
Coyte DeanBetty HinsonSeptember 14,1946Wake, NC
Dewey DeanEva StevensJuly 29,1932Wake, NC

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