Delaney Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Delaney Genealogy & History

Delaney genealogy shows that this surname is found in France, Scandinavia, and Great Britain. Delaney family history indicates that the name is derived from the Norman prefix "de", meaning of, and "annou", which derives from the Old French "aunaie" and means a grove of alder trees. Famous people with this surname include actress Dana Delaney, who first became known for her role in China Beach and is currently starring in the television drama Body of Proof; and actress Kim Delaney, who started out playing the role of Jenny in the soap opera All My Children and is currently starring in the drama Army Wives.

Delaney Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A L Bud Delaney-- --, 1916November 30,1989KS
Barbara Delaney-- --, 1935February 1,2000NH
C George Delaney-- --, 1921October ,1987OR
D Robert Delaney-- --, 1915February 1,2006GA

Delaney Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Lucille Delaney-- --, 1925April 2,2000Cedar Rapids,IA
Faith Delaney-- --, 1941September 25,2009Sparta,WI
Gabrielle Delaney-- --, 1926March 22,2000Attleboro,MA
H James Delaney-- --, 1915December ,1977Washington,DC

Delaney Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Ralph DelaneyJanice SchwarzwellerJanuary 25,1965Wake, NC
Walter DelaneyCorinne CarlsonAugust 12,1946Wake, NC
Harold DelaneyMary MasseyMay 5,1966Tarrant, TX
Neil DelaneyShawn MarkhamSeptember 14,2002Dallas, TX

Most Common Surnames After Delaney

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893rd: Camp894th: Guzman
895th: McGowan896th: Slater

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