Dewey Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Dewey Genealogy & History

The surname Dewey is an English name found primarily in Devon, where the family seat is located. The name is a locational name derived from the town of Douai in the Normandy region of France. That town name was derived from the Gaulish personal name, Dous. The first known recording was Ricardus Dewy in 1379 in Yorkshire. Dewey genealogy lists alternative spellings that include Dewy and Dewye. Famous people in Dewey family history include librarian and Dewey decimal system inventor Melvil Dewey and failed presidential candidate Thomas E. Dewey, who inspired the famous incorrect headline, Dewey defeats Truman.

Dewey Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Dean Dewey-- --, 1913August ,1981UT
Barbara Dewey-- --, 1924March 5,2008MA
C Nelson Dewey-- --, 1929January 14,2006NY
Daisy Dewey-- --, 1879April ,1974SD

Dewey Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Dewey-- --, 1933July 17,1999Lott,TX
Fae Dewey-- --, 1902April ,1978Eugene,OR
Gael Dewey-- --, 1907October 22,1996Lakeside,CA
Hal Dewey-- --, 1959February ,1980Logan,UT

Dewey Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Aidan DeweyTraci NarronMay 1,1993Wake, NC
Charles DeweyKristin LyerlyJune 29,2002Wake, NC
Ellis DeweyDoris ReechJanuary 14,1945Wake, NC
George DeweySusan ScottDecember 9,1943Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Dewey

2199th: Slack2200th: Epps
2201st: Ferrara2202nd: Kang
2203rd: Scanlon2204th: Chester
2205th: Adcock2206th: Julian
2207th: Nadeau2208th: Girard

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