Doran Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Doran Genealogy & History

Doran arises from an anglicized variation of the old Gaelic O'Deoradhain. O denotes male descendent and Deoradhain is from deoradh, meaning stranger or wanderer, thus the name indicates a male descendent of someone new to the area. Other spellings include Doron, Dorain, O'Deorain, and O'Doran. Doran family history provides Maurice Doran, Bishop of Leighlin in Leinster, England, as the first known recording of the name in 1523. The Dorans were prominent antiquarians and owned three manuscript copies of the Tripartite Life of St. Patrick. Some members of Doran genealogy include comic book writer and artist Colleen Doran, literary critic and poet Madeleine Doran, and documentary film-maker Jamie Doran.

Doran Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Benedict Doran-- --, 1915January 16,2000NJ
Barbara Doran-- --, 1919November 7,2007MA
C Bryce Doran-- --, 1921November ,1986MI
Daisy Doran-- --, 1897December 31,1995NY

Doran Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Doran-- --, 1899April ,1965Philadelphia,PA
Faith Doran-- --, 1940November 18,2004Clinton,MD
Gail Doran-- --, 1909May ,1985Elgin,NE
H Gordon Doran-- --, 1921April 30,1991Homer,NY

Doran Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
David DoranBeverly MccaigJuly 28,2001Johnson, TX
Edward DoranMargaret BeckJuly 1,2000Bexar, TX
Gunther DoranNancy TenorioSeptember 15,2000Harris, TX
Jeffrey DoranTracy EcclesJune 12,1998Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Doran

1635th: Sapp1636th: Michel
1637th: Conroy1638th: Burkett
1639th: Schilling1640th: Goins
1641st: Rushing1642nd: Major
1643rd: Light1644th: Chin

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