Driver Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Driver Genealogy & History

Driver descends from the ancient word driffan and later the French drevere. It is an occupational name for someone who transports products. The family crest is a red heart with wings of gold. Driver family history tells that the first known recording of the name is Alice le Driveres in the Hundred Rolls of Cambridgeshire, England, in 1279. Some members of the Driver genealogy are actress Minnie Driver, psychologist and neuroscientist Jon Driver, and ship's captain William Driver, who coined the name Old Glory for the US flag.

Driver Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Driver-- --, 1960October 4,2007GA
Bamma Driver-- --, 1884December ,1984AL
Calbert Driver-- --, 1918September 27,1987VA
Daisy Driver-- --, 1909November ,1971PA

Driver Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Marie Driver-- --, 1929January 30,2010Aurora,CO
Faith Driver-- --, 1953August 18,2010Houston,TX
G Diane Driver-- --, 1945November ,1983Trenton,NJ
H Roland Driver-- --, 1904October ,1971Sewell,NJ

Driver Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Anthony DriverCynthia EarpSeptember 23,1978Wake, NC
Bobby DriverDoris PainterJanuary 15,1955Wake, NC
Claude DriverMinda MooreAugust 7,1942Wake, NC
Donnie DriverEmma KnightFebruary 15,1935Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Driver

2086th: De Marco2087th: Greenfield
2088th: Parrott2089th: Hein
2090th: Churchill2091st: Akins
2092nd: Castaneda2093rd: Bouchard
2094th: McKinnon2095th: Pereira

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