Escobar Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Escobar Genealogy & History

The surname Escobar originated in the Andalucia region of southern Spain. It is derived from the Spanish escoba, which means broom, and is a topographical name given to a person who lived in a location that was overgrown with such vegetation. It may also be a locational name referring to one of many cities or villages with this name such as Escobar de Polendos in Segovia. The Escobar family crest shows three green spades on a yellow field. One alternative spelling of this surname is listed in Escobar genealogy as Escobado. Escobar family history finds Colombian composer Luis Antonio Escobar in its family tree.

Escobar Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Escobar-- --, 1956July 3,2010TX
Baldomera Escobar-- --, 1931March 30,2010PR
C Hilly Escobar-- --, 1922December 9,1992CA
Dalia Escobar-- --, 1913March 28,1997NJ

Escobar Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ed Escobar-- --, 1916May 28,1991Richmond,TX
Fara Escobar-- --, 1915May 28,2004Miami,FL
Gabriel Escobar-- --, 1916July 4,1988Cleveland,OH
Harry Escobar-- --, 1902December ,1971New York,NY

Escobar Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alejandro EscobarMaria HernandezAugust 28,1989Wake, NC
Gerardo EscobarJoy FarrisSeptember 25,2006Wake, NC
Olegario EscobarDilma Vasquez MoralesJanuary 22,2003Wake, NC
Yonis EscobarVeronica JimenezJuly 27,1996Harris, TX

Most Common Surnames After Escobar

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2176th: Lyle2177th: Lindquist

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