Espinoza Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Espinoza Genealogy & History

Espinoza comes from the pre-Christian word spina, a locational surname for someone who lived near thorny bushes or on a ridge of a hill. It also was used as a nickname for someone with a sensitive or thorny character. It has over 40 spellings, a few of which are Spinoza, Epine, Lepine, Espinas, and Spinelli. Espinoza family history has Louis Delespine as one the earliest recordings of the name in the Church of St. Florentine in Amboise, France, in 1545. Noteworthy Espinoza genealogy members are Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza, baseball coach Alvaro Espinoza, and singer and stage actress Eden Espinoza.

Espinoza Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Espinoza-- --, 1929August 26,2004CA
Barbara Espinoza-- --, 1940May 8,2000IN
Consuelo Espinoza-- --, 1948August 11,2010ID
Daisy Espinoza-- --, 1939July 16,2007CO

Espinoza Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Espinoza-- --, 1924September 14,2005Ceres,CA
Fidel Espinoza-- --, 1943January 11,2010Los Angeles,CA
Gabina Espinoza-- --, 1898January 15,2000Los Angeles,CA
Harold Espinoza-- --, 1938October 13,2003Tulare,CA

Espinoza Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alfredo EspinozaAdriana EsquivelNovember 8,2002Wake, NC
Carlos EspinozaPaula SmithApril 17,2001Wake, NC
Guerrero EspinozaXu HongMay 22,2008Wake, NC
Ignacio EspinozaMargarita OrtizApril 17,1998Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Espinoza

1342nd: Buckner1343rd: Cornell
1344th: Snell1345th: Bullard
1346th: Adler1347th: Poe
1348th: Schaffer1349th: Covington
1350th: Peacock1351st: Miner

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