Fernandez Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Fernandez Genealogy & History

Fernandez is, of course, a Spanish surname, but it is originally of Germanic roots'the Germanic Visigoth tribe conquered the Iberian peninsula before the Moors did. Obviously, they did not keep power, but they did leave their names behind, and Fernandez, as well as Ferdinand, derives from a compound personal name: "frith", meaning peace, and "nanth", meaning daring or brave. Fernandez family history begins with the birth of Barabonado Vera Fernandez, delivered at Granada in 1525. Fernandez genealogy includes such illustrious people as Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez, Peruvian Prime Minister Rosario Fernandez, and Korean War ace Pete Fernandez.

Fernandez Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Ramon Fernandez-- --, 1917June 13,2004PA
Balbina Fernandez-- --, 1901December ,1983NY
Caesar Fernandez-- --, 1902September 6,1988MA
Dagoberto Fernandez-- --, 1933June 16,2001FL

Fernandez Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Fernandez-- --, 1921April 1,2008Ashburn,VA
Fabian Fernandez-- --, 1894April ,1976Clifton,AZ
Gabina Fernandez-- --, 1894June ,1987Espanola,NM
Habencio Fernandez-- --, 1902June ,1977Apple Springs,TX

Fernandez Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Fidencio FernandezGeorgian SernaNovember 2,2006Wake, NC
Marco FernandezMyriam FalconiFebruary 9,1967Wake, NC
Josue FernandezStephanie MeryNovember 29,1999Wake, NC
Gabriel FernandezJuanita GomezOctober 3,2000Harris, TX

Most Common Surnames After Fernandez

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