Fitzpatrick Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Fitzpatrick Genealogy & History
Fitzpatrick is an Irish name. It is an Anglicization of the Old Gaelic "Mac Giolla Phadraig." "Mac" means "son of," "Giolla" is "devotee," and "Phadraig" was a personal name derived from the Latin "Patricius." It could also be seen as "devotee of St. Patrick." Fitzpatrick is the only Irish surname starting with "Fitz" that originates in Ireland�all others are Norman. Fitzpatrick family history began in Ossory, and Fitzpatrick genealogy begins with Giolla Padraig, who was a chief during the reign of King Malachy II of Ireland (977-1002 A.D.). The Fitzpatrick motto is "Ceart laidir a boo", which translates to "Might is right".
Fitzpatrick Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A James Fitzpatrick | -- --, 1924 | February 28,1991 | MA |
B Dolores Fitzpatrick | -- --, 1927 | May ,1995 | NJ |
C Foster Fitzpatrick | -- --, 1916 | September 7,1994 | ME |
Daisy Fitzpatrick | -- --, 1926 | March 3,1996 | AL |
Fitzpatrick Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Evelyn Fitzpatrick | -- --, 1922 | November 10,1987 | Rowlett,TX |
F George Fitzpatrick | -- --, 1919 | November ,1983 | Cincinnati,OH |
Gail Fitzpatrick | -- --, 1939 | January 21,2003 | Sacramento,CA |
H Gladys Fitzpatrick | -- --, 1917 | November ,1995 | Columbia,KY |
Fitzpatrick Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Daniel Fitzpatrick | Lavarsh Copeland | June 29,1953 | Wake, NC |
Edward Fitzpatrick | Hazel Moore | April 10,1959 | Wake, NC |
Hugh Fitzpatrick | Donna Adams | August 25,1979 | Wake, NC |
Kevin Fitzpatrick | Jennifer Sherfey | February 10,1999 | Wake, NC |
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