Garland Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Garland Genealogy & History

Garland is a topical as well as an occupational name that stems from pre-seventh-century Old English gara, meaning a triangle-shaped piece of land in the former and a maker of festoons or wreaths in the latter sense. The French Gernon is related as a nickname for a moustache, as it adorns, festoons, or garlands the mouth. Garland family history has John de Garland in the Pipe Rolls of Hampshire in 1190 as the first recorded spelling. Noteworthy Garland genealogy members are actress, singer, and Golden Globe-winner of Judy Garland; geophysicist George Garland; and University of Exeter German language professor Henry Garland.

Garland Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaita Garland-- --, 1911February 28,2000KS
Baby Garland-- --, 1910May 13,2005CA
C Jepson Garland-- --, 1934March 15,1995KS
D David Garland-- --, 1921July 21,2004TN

Garland Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Arlene Garland-- --, 1919March ,1994Albany,OR
Faith Garland-- --, 1971July 26,1999Columbus,OH
G Dean Garland-- --, 1919October 4,2006Marshalltown,IA
H Louise Garland-- --, 1926March ,1985Chuckey,TN

Garland Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Buford GarlandAnnie WilkesMay 16,1967Wake, NC
Daniel GarlandJacqueline FergusonMay 13,1999Wake, NC
James GarlandFaye HoneycuttAugust 12,1967Wake, NC
Richard GarlandValorie FortuneAugust 12,1971Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Garland

1159th: Devine1160th: Booker
1161st: Worley1162nd: Berman
1163rd: Otto1164th: Noel
1165th: McElroy1166th: Mead
1167th: Dickey1168th: Kraft

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