Garner Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Garner Genealogy & History

Garner is an English surname with three possible origins. Firstly, it could be an occupational or locational name for someone who lived near a barn or managed a granary, for which the Norman French word was "gerner". Secondly, it might be Old French, from the Germanic "war[in]" for guard, and "hari/heri", meaning army, carrying over into England as Warnier and Garnier. Lastly, it could be a simple contraction of the existing surname Gardner. Garner family history begins with the recording of Geoffrey Gerner in the "Feet of Fines of Essex" in 1272. Garner genealogy includes actress Jennifer Garner and former Vice President John Nance Garner.

Garner Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Joseph Garner-- --, 1924March 21,2002PA
Bailey Garner-- --, 1891August ,1972AR
C Leroy Garner-- --, 1916September 25,1990WA
D Romaine Garner-- --, 1918May 31,2007PA

Garner Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Frances Garner-- --, 1901July 29,1991Fort Worth,TX
F Dale Garner-- --, 1928June 14,2002Ogden,UT
G Elizabet Garner-- --, 1915November 1,2009Marshall,IL
H Alton Garner-- --, 1918June 3,1997Asheboro,NC

Garner Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Albert GarnerTula WallApril 19,1958Wake, NC
Benjamin GarnerPatricia MorrowJune 14,1959Wake, NC
Coyte GarnerJuanita StoneJuly 31,1951Wake, NC
Frank GarnerGeorgia BettoNovember 18,1933Wake, NC

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