Gillespie Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Gillespie Genealogy & History
Gillespie is an Irish and Scottish last name, coming from the Gaelic Mac giolla Easpuig, which means "son of the bishop's servant"; oddly, easpuig comes from the Latin episcopus, meaning bishop, making it unique among Gaelic names. Gillespie family history enters the books with Teag Mac Giolla Epscoip, chief of Aeilabhra, in County Down, noted in the Medieval Irish Records in 1175. Gillespie genealogy has a few notable individuals in its ranks, namely physical chemist Daniel Gillespie, inventor of the Gillespie algorithm; Republican strategist and lobbyist Ed Gillespie; and ophthalmologist Fredrick Gillespie, for whom Gillespie syndrome is named.
Gillespie Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Madge Gillespie | -- --, 1925 | December 1,2005 | IL |
Barbara Gillespie | -- --, 1930 | December 24,1999 | MA |
C Anna Gillespie | -- --, 1929 | January 3,2008 | OH |
Dae Gillespie | -- --, 1922 | April 30,1998 | NC |
Gillespie Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Arthur Gillespie | -- --, 1923 | November 18,2004 | Rahway,NJ |
Fae Gillespie | -- --, 1914 | February 23,1993 | Idaho Falls,ID |
G Lincoln Gillespie | -- --, 1928 | July 14,2000 | Orem,UT |
H Frank Gillespie | -- --, 1919 | December 27,1991 | Greenville,SC |
Gillespie Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Andrew Gillespie | Beverly Treadwell | February 24,1968 | Wake, NC |
Chester Gillespie | Anna Jewett | April 11,1947 | Wake, NC |
David Gillespie | Ostine Brown | July 28,1951 | Wake, NC |
Edwin Gillespie | Kathyrn Williams | December 7,1977 | Wake, NC |
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