Glass Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Glass Genealogy & History
Glass is an Anglo-Saxon name that occurs primarily in the westernmost of the counties in the West Midlands. As one would think, it refers to a glass-blower, from the Old English "glaes", meaning glass, which itself is related to the word "glaed", which means shining. Glass family history gets into the books with the marriage of Ricardus Glase to Margeriam Higgons at Pontesbury, Shropshire, in 1540. Glass family history lays claim to many famous people, such as second cousins radio host Ira Glass and minimalist composer Philip Glass, as well as Rear Admiral Henry Glass.
Glass Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Mason Glass | -- --, 1919 | August 26,1989 | KY |
Babette Glass | -- --, 1919 | May 23,2007 | NY |
C E Glass | -- --, 1920 | July 17,2005 | PA |
D Lovella Glass | -- --, 1926 | October 28,1999 | FL |
Glass Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Leo Glass | -- --, 1924 | November ,1983 | Cincinnati,OH |
Fangie Glass | -- --, 1901 | May ,1984 | Bienville,LA |
G Graham Glass | -- --, 1914 | October 21,2005 | Raleigh,NC |
H Keith Glass | -- --, 1929 | May 18,2002 | Broken Arrow,OK |
Glass Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
David Glass | Elaine Mccracken | February 13,1966 | Wake, NC |
George Glass | Emily Thompson | December 23,1939 | Wake, NC |
John Glass | Thelma Freeman | July 22,1939 | Wake, NC |
Thomas Glass | Jean Dewitt | December 26,1953 | Wake, NC |
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