Goddard Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Goddard Genealogy & History

Goddard genealogy is typically English, though the name has Germanic roots and is common in a number of European countries. It was originally a personal name comprised of the elements god, meaning good or God, and hard, meaning strong or brave. The name took on great popularity in the middle ages due to veneration of St. Goddard, Catholic bishop of Hildesheim, in the eleventh century. Alternate spellings include Gotthard, Godart, and Goudard. A medieval Goddard family crest depicts a blue and white chevron on a red shield surrounded by three crescent moons. Goddard family history includes British physicist Peter Goddard.

Goddard Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abbie Goddard-- --, 1899October ,1975FL
B Orson Goddard-- --, 1917December 16,1999UT
Callie Goddard-- --, 1897January 19,1998TN
D Jack Goddard-- --, 1920April 16,1996CA

Goddard Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Bernice Goddard-- --, 1915July ,1984Saint Louis,MO
F Howard Goddard-- --, 1924July 1,2005Merced,CA
Gail Goddard-- --, 1927June 21,1992Lambertville,MI
H Louise Goddard-- --, 1912April 1,1997Pasadena,CA

Goddard Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bobby GoddardDina FultonJuly 30,2004Wake, NC
Christopher GoddardAutumn StampsJune 3,2000Montgomery, TX
Dennis GoddardNancy HarnamjiOctober 9,2000Harris, TX
Houston GoddardJamie PannellOctober 28,1950Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Goddard

1817th: Reagan1818th: Rider
1819th: Shook1820th: Stallings
1821st: Barth1822nd: Douglass
1823rd: St. John1824th: Lovett
1825th: Gruber1826th: Rapp

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