Goldstein Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Goldstein Genealogy & History
Goldstein, like most names beginning with "Gold", tends to be a German-Jewish name. When surnames were beginning to be assigned (especially to Jews, who tended to acquire surnames later), Christian interpretation of biblical usury restrictions forbade Christians to be moneylenders or bankers. Jews took over much of those industries. The word "gold" comes from Proto-Germanic "gulthan" and is found in names where German was spoken, so Goldman family history often starts there. Goldstein genealogy includes Nobel laureate Joseph L. Goldstein; the actor Elliot Goldstein (better known as Elliot Gould); and the chief rabbi of South Africa, Warren Goldstein.
Goldstein Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Leonard Goldstein | -- --, 1928 | May 25,2008 | NY |
Babette Goldstein | -- --, 1890 | May ,1979 | NY |
Calman Goldstein | -- --, 1925 | September 19,1993 | NY |
Dagmar Goldstein | -- --, 1899 | May 8,1989 | NY |
Goldstein Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Ernest Goldstein | -- --, 1918 | May 28,2008 | Atlanta,GA |
Fae Goldstein | -- --, 1907 | June ,1985 | Brooklyn,NY |
Gabriel Goldstein | -- --, 1917 | August 8,2000 | New York,NY |
Halbert Goldstein | -- --, 1908 | January ,1982 | Austin,TX |
Goldstein Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Bernard Goldstein | Georgia Lambright | January 29,1982 | Wake, NC |
David Goldstein | Jennifer Bowers | October 21,2006 | Wake, NC |
Harry Goldstein | Stella Sachs | November 17,1945 | Wake, NC |
Joseph Goldstein | Dorita Dauphinais | December 27,1975 | Wake, NC |
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