Goodson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Goodson Genealogy & History

Goodson family history indicates that Goodson is a form of the Middle English female given name Godeve, from the old English pre-seventh-century personal name Godgifu, composed of god (good or god) plus gifu (gift). It may also be Godith from the old English Godguth, from god (good or god) plus guth (battle). Godith is noted in the 1206 Curia Regis Rolls of Bedfordshire. Spelling variations of this family name include Goodson, Goodison, Gooderson, Goodisson, Goodsone, Godson, Godison, Goderson, Godisson, and Gudgeon. Goodson genealogy includes American voice actress Barbara Goodson and American TV game-show producer Mark Goodson.

Goodson Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Louise Goodson-- --, 1911July ,1984IL
Baisel Goodson-- --, 1918October 21,1991IL
C Alline Goodson-- --, 1919April 14,1995KS
D Pauline Goodson-- --, 1927July 14,2000IN

Goodson Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Lucille Goodson-- --, 1912October 15,1990Fulton,MO
F C Taylor Goodson-- --, 1914July ,1985Shreveport,LA
Gadson Goodson-- --, 1899March ,1986Los Angeles,CA
Hal Goodson-- --, 1916November 8,1993Los Angeles,CA

Goodson Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Augustine GoodsonDorothy PeoplesSeptember 14,1936Wake, NC
Charles GoodsonMargaret EvansMay 14,1966Wake, NC
Douglas GoodsonAnnie WilliamsOctober 2,1964Wake, NC
Gary GoodsonRobin WilsonMarch 11,2006Hays, TX

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