Grover Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Grover Genealogy & History

Grover is an English name meaning someone who lived or worked by a grove of trees, a popular name throughout southern England, derived from Old German graf (grove). An alternative derivation is from Middle Low German grove (grave), indicating someone who worked as a grave-digger. Grover genealogy includes German/Swiss Gruber, often Americanized to Grover. Totally separate in derivation, Grover is also found in India, used in the Hindu and Sikh communities, as well as in Pakistan, where it is derived from Sanskrit for great teacher. Grover family history is first recorded in Sussex in England, and in 1635 in New England and Bermuda in the Americas.

Grover Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Clyde Grover-- --, 1930June 23,2005ID
B Louise Grover-- --, 1918May 9,2007TX
Calvin Grover-- --, 1914July ,1980GA
Daisey Grover-- --, 1912April 12,1997IL

Grover Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Frances Grover-- --, 1917March 21,2005Pembroke,MA
Fae Grover-- --, 1900October 27,1992Spokane,WA
G Ura Grover-- --, 1914April 21,1999Hamilton,OH
Hadley Grover-- --, 1898September ,1980Saint Petersburg,FL

Grover Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Arthur GroverStephanie MasonJuly 1,2006Wake, NC
Brandon GroverErin HillOctober 21,2006Wake, NC
Chad GroverPamela BarcenasJanuary 3,2000Wichita, TX
Demarcus GroverQuinn LackingAugust 30,2003Harris, TX

Most Common Surnames After Grover

1752nd: Overton1753rd: Varner
1754th: Nagel1755th: Lim
1756th: Andrade1757th: Mosher
1758th: Payton1759th: Spicer
1760th: Naylor1761st: Greco

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