Guerra Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Guerra Genealogy & History

Guerra family history indicates that this name originates from the Proto-Germanic root *werr-, from which we get the French guerre, the Spanish and Italian guerra, and the English war. It was given as a nickname to a soldier or a belligerent person. Spelling variations include Guerre, Guierre, Laguerre, Guerra, Guerrero, Guerreiro, Guerri, Guerriero, and Warr. Herebertus la Guerre was recorded in the pipe rolls of the county of Dorset, England, in 1179. Catherine Guerra came to New Orleans in 1827. Notable names in the Guerra genealogy include Houston Chronicle pop music critic Joey Guerra and Cuban-born major league baseball player Mike Guerra.

Guerra Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abdon Guerra-- --, 1920April 9,2005TX
Baldemar Guerra-- --, 1938May 19,2008TX
Caeser Guerra-- --, 1914July 29,2001NY
Daisy Guerra-- --, 1954October 16,2002FL

Guerra Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earla Guerra-- --, 1921September 12,2005Portland,OR
Fabian Guerra-- --, 1903November ,1980Laredo,TX
G Jerry Guerra-- --, 1911December 31,2007Port Saint Lucie,FL
Hamilton Guerra-- --, 1923July 11,1999East Elmhurst,NY

Guerra Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alexander GuerraCharlotte MccorkelMarch 30,1984Wake, NC
Custodio GuerraEbony KeelSeptember 10,2005Wake, NC
David GuerraRobin FudgeMay 28,1994Wake, NC
Elpidio GuerraWanda BrownNovember 14,2000Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Guerra

1239th: Stinson1240th: Bowden
1241st: Silverman1242nd: Mobley
1243rd: Tyson1244th: Dunbar
1245th: Maurer1246th: Slaughter
1247th: Jorgensen1248th: Jamison

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