Hammer Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hammer Genealogy & History

Hammer is a pre-medieval English or German surname. The English derivation from hamor (meaning rock or crag) refers to a person who lived near a prominent rock, such as the village of Hamer in Lancashire. In Hammer family history, one prominent branch held a feudal estate in Sussex. The unusual inclusion of silver dolphins on the family coat of arms signifies charity and sincerity. The German-Flemish-Dutch derivations from hamar, meaning stone, were occupational for a maker or user of hammers. The first American immigrant was Pedro Hammer, who settled in Maryland in 1666. American Hammer genealogy also includes petroleum executive Armand Hammer.

Hammer Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aage Hammer-- --, 1908April 14,1995OR
Barbara Hammer-- --, 1916November 22,1997NY
C Robert Hammer-- --, 1930March 6,2008PA
D Telford Hammer-- --, 1916June ,1986PA

Hammer Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Blanche Hammer-- --, 1915April 18,2008Bedford,PA
Fannie Hammer-- --, 1907November ,1981Manchester,NH
G Stephen Hammer-- --, 1920October 11,1987Rochester,NY
Haden Hammer-- --, 1903February ,1985Rogersville,TN

Hammer Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Aaron HammerAngie FisherJune 24,2000Cooke, TX
Bernd HammerLucinda SchiesApril 10,1972Wake, NC
Clayton HammerFelicita SifuentesDecember 30,2000Denton, TX
Douglas HammerRachel BowyerNovember 5,1988Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Hammer

1190th: Tipton1191st: Burris
1192nd: Ames1193rd: Groves
1194th: Stahl1195th: Lam
1196th: Rosenthal1197th: Nicholas
1198th: Elkins1199th: Rouse

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