Harris Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Harris Genealogy & History
Harris family history shows many different spellings, including Harries, Harriss, Harrison, Herries (Scottish), and Parry (Welsh), but they all mean "Son of Harry (or Henry)". Records of the name are first found in Derbyshire in land grant records by William the Conqueror for participation in the 1066 Battle of Hastings. Harrises began to emigrate to North America in the 1600s, to Australia and New Zealand in the 1700s and to South Africa in the 1800s. Harris genealogy includes the actor Ed Harris, the Australian musician/comedian Rolf Harris, the English science fiction writer John Wyndham, and the Canadian artist Lawren Harris.
Harris Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Albert Harris | -- --, 1914 | November 6,1995 | NJ |
B Jackson Harris | -- --, 1914 | September 30,1995 | VA |
Carol Harris | -- --, 1938 | February 1,1992 | NY |
D Audrey Harris | -- --, 1919 | November 30,2003 | NY |
Harris Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Albert Harris | -- --, 1923 | January 26,1999 | San Jose,CA |
F Elaine Harris | -- --, 1923 | July 16,2009 | Grants Pass,OR |
G Ann Harris | -- --, 1917 | March 5,1997 | Irwin,PA |
H Chandler Harris | -- --, 1914 | October ,1982 | Christiana,TN |
Harris Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Algie Harris | Madgeline Daye | July 9,1932 | Wake, NC |
Bill Harris | Josephine Jones | March 30,1945 | Wake, NC |
Conrad Harris | Virginia Williams | March 28,1931 | Wake, NC |
Dalon Harris | Rosa Williams | February 20,1933 | Wake, NC |
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