Hawk Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hawk Genealogy & History

Hawk is an English name derived from Old English heafoc meaning hawk. However, this derivation could result in several meanings: a nickname to denote a hawk-like person, an occupational name for someone who trained hawks, or from Middle English halke, meaning angle, for someone who lived near a crag. Hawk family history dates to feudal times in Lincolnshire, where they owned a family estate, and to 1630 in America with Hawke immigrants to Massachusetts. Tony Hawk, pioneering skateboarder, is a noted name-holder. The Hawk family motto is strike, and in heraldry the hawk means pursuit of a desired object.

Hawk Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A H Decker Hawk-- --, 1917April 3,1997OK
B Montell Hawk-- --, 1920September 20,2006MO
C Jean Hawk-- --, 1929October 13,2001ID
D Wayne Hawk-- --, 1924November 21,2005NY

Hawk Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Hawk-- --, 1898December ,1981Poughkeepsie,NY
F Robert Hawk-- --, 1912June 27,2009Iowa City,IA
Gale Hawk-- --, 1923July ,1985South Whitley,IN
H Ashley Hawk-- --, 1925January 19,1996Sebring,FL

Hawk Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Don HawkCamela EamesSeptember 27,1997Wake, NC
Earl HawkCassandra LongMay 6,2000Potter, TX
Francis HawkNoriko WatanabeJanuary 9,1982Wake, NC
Garland HawkRegina MaloneSeptember 29,2000Angelina, TX

Most Common Surnames After Hawk

1749th: Prescott1750th: Rivas
1751st: Grover1752nd: Overton
1753rd: Varner1754th: Nagel
1755th: Lim1756th: Andrade
1757th: Mosher1758th: Payton

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