Hebert Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Hebert Genealogy & History
Hebert is a French name derived from Old German "hari", meaning army, and "behrt", meaning illustrious. Saint Haribert, Archbishop of Cologne in 1100, had popularized Hebert as a given name among the French nobility. Hebert family history begins in Normandy, where they were seigneurs (lords) of Beauvoir and Plaigniere, having been given land there by King Richard of England in the late 12th century; many Heberts subsequently returned to England in the 15th century. Name variations in Hebert genealogy include Harbelot, Harbert, Herbot, and the German Heber. The first permanent settler in Canada was Louis Hebert, an emigrant from London to Quebec in 1604.
Hebert Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Arlene Hebert | -- --, 1918 | June ,1982 | MA |
Barbara Hebert | -- --, 1928 | July 22,2008 | ME |
C Roy Hebert | -- --, 1919 | March 14,2002 | LA |
D Lorraine Hebert | -- --, 1922 | April ,1985 | CA |
Hebert Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Leo Hebert | -- --, 1914 | May ,1980 | Blackduck,MN |
F J Hebert | -- --, 1927 | September 4,2009 | Walbridge,OH |
Gabalus Hebert | -- --, 1900 | June ,1968 | Lafayette,LA |
Hadley Hebert | -- --, 1935 | December 23,2008 | Broussard,LA |
Hebert Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Stephen Hebert | Harriet Martin | June 4,1966 | Wake, NC |
Norman Hebert | Dell Beasley | May 21,1983 | Wake, NC |
Paul Hebert | Pearl Adams | July 23,1988 | Wake, NC |
John Hebert | Katherine Halsey | June 15,1991 | Wake, NC |
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