Heller Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Heller Genealogy & History
Heller is a medieval English and German locational name, derived from Old English "hyll", meaning hill, indicating a person living by a hill. Heller genealogy is concentrated in southeast England while the Huller/Hullah variations were from Yorkshire. Originally from St. Hellier in Normandy, the Heller family history includes a family seat in Devonshire, with lands given to the Hellers after the Norman Conquest. Heller is also a German nickname derived from German "hell", meaning light or bright, indicating someone fair-haired or light-complected. The family motto "pro republica semper" means "for the state always". The first Heller American immigrant landed in Virginia in 1654.
Heller Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Aaron Heller | -- --, 1904 | October ,1984 | MA |
Babette Heller | -- --, 1918 | February 4,2003 | IL |
Caasi Heller | -- --, 1888 | December ,1978 | CA |
Daisy Heller | -- --, 1912 | May ,1979 | MN |
Heller Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Earl Heller | -- --, 1947 | January ,1987 | Temple,PA |
Fannie Heller | -- --, 1921 | July 15,1989 | Brooklyn,NY |
Gabriel Heller | -- --, 1918 | June 13,2006 | Palm Beach Gardens,FL |
H Ann Heller | -- --, 1929 | May 14,2002 | East Stroudsburg,PA |
Heller Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Abraham Heller | Bertha Granoff | September 26,1949 | Wake, NC |
David Heller | Barbara Wood | November 9,1985 | Wake, NC |
Samuel Heller | Tillie Dranoff | September 26,1949 | Wake, NC |
Michael Heller | Rebecca Metrano | April 26,1966 | Wake, NC |
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