Henson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Henson Genealogy & History
Henson is an English name meaning son of Henn, a Middle English pet name for Henry. Alternate derivations could be son of Henne (Middle High German for hen) or of Hans, Hens, or Hein, pet names for Johannes and Heinrich; the surname Hanson is an alternate variation. Henson family history started in Yorkshire, where they had a feudal manor in ancient times, but also could be in Henne in Sussex, where the Henn family had a feudal manor. American Henson genealogy includes the first Henson in Virginia in 1656 as well as puppeteer Jim Henson (1936-1990) and North Pole explorer Matthew Henson (1866-1955).
Henson Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Wayne Henson | -- --, 1909 | August ,1983 | UT |
B Arline Henson | -- --, 1915 | October ,1982 | CT |
Cairl Henson | -- --, 1895 | July ,1982 | KY |
D Paul Henson | -- --, 1916 | October 10,1990 | MO |
Henson Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Maxine Henson | -- --, 1921 | July ,1983 | Portage,IN |
F Harold Henson | -- --, 1917 | August 3,1988 | Ridgway,IL |
Gabie Henson | -- --, 1916 | October ,1975 | Easton,PA |
H Barbara Henson | -- --, 1919 | June 30,2008 | Lancaster,NH |
Henson Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
David Henson | Carmaletta Locklear | August 5,2000 | Wake, NC |
James Henson | Bobbie Sorrell | January 18,1954 | Wake, NC |
Lester Henson | Betty Turner | April 23,1955 | Wake, NC |
Robert Henson | Gearline Perry | June 14,1963 | Wake, NC |
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