Hewitt Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hewitt Genealogy & History
Hewitt, first found near the village Huel in Normandy, is derived from Old English "hiewet" and Middle English "hewett", meaning to chop (clear the land). In Hewitt family history, Hewitts were Norman conquerors and granted lands in Dorsetshire, where they established a feudal manor. The Hewitt motto, "ne te quaesiveris extra", means "seek nothing beyond your sphere", and the crest and coat of arms both contain owls, symbols of wisdom since ancient Egyptian times. Virginia saw the American beginning of Hewitt genealogy in 1637. Perhaps the most famous Hewitt name-bearer is Australian Lleyton Hewitt, the youngest male tennis player ever to be ranked #1.
Hewitt Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Calvin Hewitt | -- --, 1921 | November 13,1995 | WA |
Bailey Hewitt | -- --, 1904 | October ,1984 | FL |
C Lillian Hewitt | -- --, 1917 | March 19,2010 | CT |
Daisy Hewitt | -- --, 1911 | November 21,1994 | NY |
Hewitt Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Eileen Hewitt | -- --, 1920 | December 12,2006 | San Jose,CA |
Fahrneyse Hewitt | -- --, 1907 | January ,1976 | Timmonsville,SC |
G Robert Hewitt | -- --, 1915 | October 20,1999 | Island Park,NY |
H Lee Hewitt | -- --, 1918 | March 22,2008 | Lutherville Timonium,MD |
Hewitt Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Burley Hewitt | Mildred Mitchell | December 11,1948 | Wake, NC |
Curtis Hewitt | Tracy Palmer | August 15,1998 | Wake, NC |
Donald Hewitt | Patricia Christmas | September 23,1962 | Wake, NC |
Gene Hewitt | Linda Willett | May 26,1982 | Wake, NC |
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