Hillman Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hillman Genealogy & History

Hillman is an English surname and comes from exactly what it sounds like: hyll, Old English for hill, and man, Old English for man or person. It was used for people living on or near hills, or of course for villages situated near prominent hills. The name was first noted in Hampshire, in the middle of England�s southern coast. Hillman family history comes to America in 1635, when Elliner Hillman sailed to New England. Hillman genealogy boasts of many interesting people, such as Byrds co-founder Chris Hillman, Olympic American track and field medalist and coach Harry Hillman, and Congress of Industrial Organizations co-founder Sidney Hillman.

Hillman Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Hillman-- --, 1905January 31,1993TX
B Bruce Hillman-- --, 1924April ,1980TX
C Dean Hillman-- --, 1928April 6,2008ID
D Curtis Hillman-- --, 1920April 8,2000VA

Hillman Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Hillman-- --, 1956January ,1986Bangor,ME
Fanchon Hillman-- --, 1928March 5,2010Carlsbad,NM
Gail Hillman-- --, 1957July 4,2004Marshall,MI
H Burton Hillman-- --, 1919June 16,2006Whitesboro,NY

Hillman Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Albert HillmanRama BlackwoodFebruary 25,1950Wake, NC
Richard HillmanJanet DetermannApril 25,1968Wake, NC
Larry HillmanCynthia DerkaSeptember 12,1984Wake, NC
John HillmanDebbie RichardsonOctober 31,2003Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Hillman

1859th: Whiting1860th: Donohue
1861st: Purvis1862nd: Cheek
1863rd: Trimble1864th: Horvath
1865th: Chu1866th: Burk
1867th: Thurston1868th: Luke

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