Hills Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hills Genealogy & History

Hills is a topographical name stemming from Old English Hyll, meaning someone who lived on or near a hill. The family coat of arms is an ermined shield with a wide black band crossing it, with a castle tower centered on it, and the family motto is advance. Hills family history tells us that Gilbert del Hil is the first known of the name in the Pipe Rolls of Norfolk, England, in 1191. Two members of the Hills genealogy are educator and physical chemist Sir Graham John Hills and botanist Kenneth D. Hill.

Hills Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abbie Hills-- --, 1901July 19,1989GA
Barabel Hills-- --, 1913March ,1984CO
Caffie Hills-- --, 1888May ,1967LA
Daisy Hills-- --, 1904June 25,2004NY

Hills Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Hills-- --, 1908June 15,1999Saugus,MA
Faith Hills-- --, 1906December ,1979Wichita,KS
G Edwina Hills-- --, 1914July 19,2009Englewood,CO
H James Hills-- --, 1912March ,1986Johnson City,NY

Hills Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Brent HillsJennifer RasberryJuly 14,2002Wake, NC
Calvin HillsGrace AnsahMay 7,2002Dallas, TX
Dale HillsLinda KenbeekDecember 10,2000Cameron, TX
Leon HillsStephanie HallJanuary 29,2000Bell, TX

Most Common Surnames After Hills

2465th: Coley2466th: Muir
2467th: Lankford2468th: Fontaine
2469th: Keeler2470th: Ricci
2471st: Layne2472nd: Farnsworth
2473rd: Foust2474th: Thibodeaux

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