Hirsch Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hirsch Genealogy & History

One of the most interesting aspects of people who share the Hirsch family history is the fact that they almost certainly have more relatives than they think. In large part, this is due to the many derivative spellings of Hirsch, including Hirscel, Girsch, Hirschman, Erszman, and Girshow. When considering the number of surnames that incorporate Hirsch, like Hirschlander or Hirschbold, the family tree extends exponentially. The etymology of the surname shared by the Hirsch genealogy comes from the German word for deer. Famous members of the Hirsch family history include German physician August Hirsch and American poet Edward Hirsch.

Hirsch Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Lawrence Hirsch-- --, 1924June 3,1990NY
Babette Hirsch-- --, 1922May 25,2008NJ
C Erma Hirsch-- --, 1916December 23,2008PA
Daisy Hirsch-- --, 1895October ,1982WI

Hirsch Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Hirsch-- --, 1893February ,1987Aurora,CO
Fae Hirsch-- --, 1914May 11,2008Sioux City,IA
Gabriel Hirsch-- --, 1901December ,1979Brooklyn,NY
H Norton Hirsch-- --, 1924March 16,1999Sioux City,IA

Hirsch Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alan HirschTrudy JusticeMay 6,1989Wake, NC
Daniel HirschMelissa LeahyMay 8,2004Wake, NC
Steven HirschCheryl WoodsNovember 25,1978Wake, NC
Jeffrey HirschVictoria CrumrineDecember 17,1983Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Hirsch

1312th: Self1313th: Coker
1314th: Cahill1315th: O'Hara
1316th: Madison1317th: Temple
1318th: Cullen1319th: Gunn
1320th: Sterling1321st: Metz

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