Holbrook Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Holbrook Genealogy & History

Holbrook, also spelled with a terminal e and with less common variations as well, is a locational name for the old region of Holbrook, which is now a village in the English county of Suffolk, in East Anglia; Holbrook is Old English and means sunken stream. The place was likely named that because of an underground river, but records do not indicate one way or the other. Holbrook family history comes to the New World with Thomas Holbrook, who sailed to Boston in 1630. Holbrook genealogy includes several well-known people, such as comic artist Bill Holbrook, former diplomat and ambassador Richard Holbrooke, and British Admiral Richard Holbrook.

Holbrook Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Curt Holbrook-- --, 1917May ,1992KY
Baltus Holbrook-- --, 1913March 27,2002NC
Caleb Holbrook-- --, 1916November 15,2005KY
Dailey Holbrook-- --, 1915September 3,2002KY

Holbrook Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Boyd Holbrook-- --, 1926July 18,2000Vincent,AL
Faith Holbrook-- --, 1923February 24,1995Fort Worth,TX
G Elizabet Holbrook-- --, 1920September ,1985Halifax,MA
H Wayne Holbrook-- --, 1925February 14,1996Miami,FL

Holbrook Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Cyrus HolbrookSusan MahoodSeptember 9,1972Wake, NC
David HolbrookRhoda CreasyFebruary 1,1975Wake, NC
Frederick HolbrookCarolyn NickersonNovember 19,2005Travis, TX
Garry HolbrookBetty HarrisDecember 18,1971Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Holbrook

1273rd: Finn1274th: Quick
1275th: Inman1276th: Swan
1277th: Figueroa1278th: Sherwood
1279th: Pedersen1280th: Davison
1281st: Painter1282nd: Reece

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