Hoover Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hoover Genealogy & History

Hoover is a German name. It was originally derived from "huber", a Middle High German word referring to a landowner or small farmer. Thus, it was likely an occupational name, given to someone who owned a good amount of farmland. Hoover family history begins in Bavaria, with the first recorded person of that name being Ulrich Miles dictus Huobaere (an alternate spelling), a resident of Tyrol, Austria, in 1224. There are many famous people in Hoover genealogy, including President Herbert Hoover, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, and William Henry Hoover, the founder of the first vacuum cleaner company.

Hoover Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Douglass Hoover-- --, 1928November 27,1993KY
Bailey Hoover-- --, 1906July 12,2006TN
C Brenton Hoover-- --, 1925August 16,1988IL
D Vivian Hoover-- --, 1911February 16,2001PA

Hoover Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Douglas Hoover-- --, 1967June 11,1992West Jefferson,OH
F Louis Hoover-- --, 1913October 14,2004San Diego,CA
G G Hoover-- --, 1893June ,1976Birmingham,AL
H Denise Hoover-- --, 1913October 9,2005Winchester,VA

Hoover Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Charlie HooverBetty BarnesAugust 26,1995Wake, NC
Marshall HooverAlma YatesSeptember 18,1943Wake, NC
Jonas HooverAnnie JonesDecember 11,1948Wake, NC
Herbert HooverGeraldine RogersMay 30,1953Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Hoover

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441st: McBride442nd: Tate
443rd: Decker444th: Alvarez
445th: Gibbs446th: Wilcox
447th: Koch448th: Romero

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