Horowitz Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Horowitz Genealogy & History

Horowitz is a locational name for someone who lived near Horice or Horitiz, meaning a mountainous place near Prague in what was once Bohemia and is now the Czech Republic. The coat of arms is a checkered shield of red and silver squares. Horowitz family history tells us that the patriarchal line comes down from Ha-Levi Ish Horowitz, in the 16th century, from Horovice, Germany. Two members of the Horowitz genealogy are space shuttle astronaut Scott Jay (Doc) Horowitz and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient and classical pianist Vladimir Samoylovich Horowitz.

Horowitz Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Eugene Horowitz-- --, 1902September ,1981NY
Barbara Horowitz-- --, 1933March 20,2006FL
Carl Horowitz-- --, 1937April 20,1999NY
Daisy Horowitz-- --, 1902October 24,1992NY

Horowitz Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Eda Horowitz-- --, 1914July ,1984New York,NY
Fae Horowitz-- --, 1914November 6,2006San Diego,CA
Gabrielle Horowitz-- --, 1882May ,1981Chicago,IL
Haim Horowitz-- --, 1890May ,1971Brooklyn,NY

Horowitz Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bruce HorowitzLorraine BecktoldJuly 3,1969Wake, NC
Irving HorowitzMarjorie AnsorgeAugust 12,1949Wake, NC
Marcel HorowitzFlorence FoxJune 4,1952Wake, NC
Sanford HorowitzLynda EinhornJune 19,1961Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Horowitz

2300th: Schofield2301st: Carrier
2302nd: Geary2303rd: Harkins
2304th: Brunson2305th: Pence
2306th: Baumgartner2307th: High
2308th: Coyne2309th: Dupree

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