Houck Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Houck Genealogy & History

Houck is an English and Dutch surname with three origins. First, as a Dutch name, it comes either from the Middle Dutch houck, meaning a marine fish, or hoec, meaning buck. As an English surname, it is locational, from the town of Hooke in Devon. Houck family history comes to the New World in 1715, when Jury Houck sailed to New York. Houck genealogy includes several notable people, such as early major league pitcher Byron Houck and Ontario politician William Houck.

Houck Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Verjean Houck-- --, 1902February ,1993NY
Baerbel Houck-- --, 1937July 1,2004NY
C Allen Houck-- --, 1926January ,1991PA
D Richard Houck-- --, 1928July 20,1997PA

Houck Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Lee Houck-- --, 1914November 17,1993Sherburne,NY
Fanchon Houck-- --, 1906June ,1987Toledo,OH
G Fay Houck-- --, 1915February ,1988Winston Salem,NC
H Bernard Houck-- --, 1924May 18,1998San Diego,CA

Houck Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Anthony HouckArlene QueenSeptember 1,1970Wake, NC
Brickey HouckSara RobertsonJune 15,1969Wake, NC
Christopher HouckTracey JonesAugust 26,2000Harrison, TX
David HouckLori TealDecember 19,1992Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Houck

2144th: Herrick2145th: Cooney
2146th: Mora2147th: Rosales
2148th: Macias2149th: Storey
2150th: Herrington2151st: Pease
2152nd: Gilliland2153rd: Villa

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