Howard Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Howard Genealogy & History

Howard is an English name with murky origins. It could be derived from the Norman-French name of "Huard" or "Heward", which was in turn derived from the old Germanic name "Hughard" ("hug" meaning heart or spirit, "hard" meaning brave or hardy). Alternately, it could be from the Anglo-Scandinavian name "Haward", meaning chief guardian. Howard family history begins in Cumberland, and the first recorded instance of the name is Robert Howarde (an alternate spelling) in 1221. Howard genealogy includes James Howell Howard, the only fighter pilot in WWII's European Theater to attain the Medal of Honor. The Howard family motto is "sola virtus invicta", which means "Virtue alone invincible".

Howard Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Alphonso Howard-- --, 1969November 20,1993OH
B Josephin Howard-- --, 1918September 19,2007FL
C Charlton Howard-- --, 1919September 25,2007TN
David Howard-- --, 1926August 23,2010IL

Howard Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Beatrice Howard-- --, 1911December 9,1991Toledo,OH
F Belle Howard-- --, 1930August 6,2005Chesterfield,SC
G Jack Howard-- --, 1923December ,1988Los Angeles,CA
H A Edward Howard-- --, 1936November 18,2009Greenville,NC

Howard Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Arthur HowardMagdaline HintonOctober 3,1936Wake, NC
Bruce HowardMary BrownJanuary 13,1937Wake, NC
Charles HowardJaunita BenjaminSeptember 2,1939Wake, NC
David HowardPhyllis CollierDecember 7,1968Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Howard

68th: Long69th: Watson
70th: Ross71st: Richardson
72nd: Price73rd: Russell
74th: Fisher75th: Brooks
76th: Foster77th: Powell

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